Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Biggest Thing On The To-Do List

I was over on Unclutterer this morning where Erin Doland has announced a freebie (or two) along with the purchase of her new book, "Unclutter Your Life In One Week."  She mentions, among other things, that writing the book was at the top of her "life to-do list."  I have a similar list that I call a "Long Term To-Do list."  It's for projects that I will need to work on in a few months or future ideas that I want to try out for Bneato...  It helps me to have a "long term to-do list"--that way, these extensive items don't clutter up my daily to-do list.  It also helps to break the big ticket items down into smaller chunks by putting manageable to-do's on my daily to do list (when I'm ready to start hammering away on a bigger project).  For instance, one day I'll be ready to start writing my own book (seriously), and instead of writing (on my daily to-do list) "start writing book" it will say something like, research other books out there or narrow down topic, etc.  

(Image from Unclutterer)

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